Contents of Scuba Sport Magazine - MAR-APR 2012

Scuba Sport Magazine is the only scuba magazine that offers diving news, dive travel, scuba gear, diving destinations and underwater photography that caters to the recreational diver.

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"It all depends on the severity," explained Akins, who has been stung numerous times. "A small poke is like a handful of hornets. A severe sting can be debilitating."
The good news for those who like to eat OLRQÀVK LV WKDW WKHLU SRSXODWLRQ LV H[WHQVLYH 7KDW LV DOVR WKH EDG QHZV 7KH ÀUVW VLJKWLQJV began on Florida's southeast coast in the 1980s. Some have postulated that Hurricane Andrew crushed enough DTXDULXPV WR VSLOO VRPH OLRQÀVK LQWR WKH ocean. Others think that aquarium owners PD\ KDYH GLVFDUGHG OLRQÀVK NQRZLQJO\ into the Atlantic. Another theory is that MXYHQLOH OLRQÀVK RU WKHLU ODUYDH WUDYHOHG LQ VKLS·V KROGV DOO WKH ZD\ IURP WKH 3DFLÀF and were squirted from the bilge into the sea. How the aliens landed may never be agreed upon but we know for a fact that in D IHZ GHFDGHV WKH OLRQÀVK KDV EHFRPH D monumental threat. They have no natural predators but are voracious predators WKHPVHOYHV HDWLQJ UHHI ÀVK WKDW ZRXOG normally be the diet of grouper, snapper, and other endemic critters we divers love. Therein is the biggest problem. The fear is that native populations will be displaced by DUPLHV RI OLRQÀVK XQWLO RQH GD\ WKLV IDYRULWH ÀVK RI DTXDULXP ORYHUV ZLOO EH WKH VROH surviving inhabitant of the natural reef.
7KH OLRQÀVK LQYDVLRQ DV LW LV FRPPRQO\ referred to, has achieved a level that has
attracted the attention of the government. Now NOAA is involved. Their scientists speculate that we will never eradicate OLRQÀVK LQ WKH $WODQWLF DQG &DULEEHDQ; DQG 12$$·V ZHEVLWH RIIHUV ´ÀYH PDLQ suggestions:"
2) Conduct more studies 3) Educate the public 1RWLI\ DXWKRULWLHV DERXW YHQRPRXV ÀVK 5) Make more regulations
I have a suggestion for number six: It's what I call the Four C's of Fishing—Catch it, Clean it, Cook it, Consume it. You have to UHVSHFW WKH VFLHQWLÀF FRPPXQLW\ DQG WKHLU expertise. But if divers continue to mobilize and hunt with steel spears versus venomous spines, and if we keep the smell of grilled ÀVK GDQFLQJ LQ RXU KHDGV WKHQ WKHUH·V no telling what we can achieve. As Akins VXJJHVWV ZH FDQ OLPLW WKH OLRQÀVK·V LPSDFW on popular dive sites. Plus we can have VRPH HSLF ÀVK IULHV DOO LQ WKH QDPH of environmental responsibility. I'll bring the beer.
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