Contents of Scuba Sport Magazine - MAR-APR 2012

Scuba Sport Magazine is the only scuba magazine that offers diving news, dive travel, scuba gear, diving destinations and underwater photography that caters to the recreational diver.

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Women Divers Hall of Fame Welcomes Five
New Members for 2012
Dedicated to recognizing and honoring the contributions of women divers, the Women Divers Hall of Fame (WDHOF) is an LQWHUQDWLRQDO QRQ SURÀW SURIHVVLRQDO KRQRU society dedicated to recognizing the contributions of women divers in a wide YDULHW\ RI ÀHOGV LQFOXGLQJ 7KH $UWV 6FLHQFH Medicine, Sports, Exploration, Marine Archeology, Media, Service, Dive Training and Education, Safety, Business, Marine Environment and Conservation, Free Diving, Commercial Diving, and Military Diving.
7KH +DOO KDV SURXGO\ DQQRXQFHG ÀYH QHZ inductees as it's "Class of 2012". These H[WUDRUGLQDU\ ZRPHQ ZLOO EH RIÀFLDOO\ inducted into WDHOF on March 24, 2012, during the Beneath the Sea (BTS) Awards Banquet at the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel in Secaucus, New Jersey. The Beneath the Sea Show will be March 23-25 at the Meadowlands Expo Center in Seacaucus.
The women recognized for their achievements and life-long dedication to the sport are:
Amelia Behrens-Furniss (deceased): Pioneer Hard Hat Diver
Nancy Easterbrook: Tek & Rec Instructor Trainer, Ocean Advocate and Environmentalist, Dive Shop Owner, Ocean Explorer, Marketer
Nancy Guarascio: Dive Industry Professional, Underwater Photographer, Speaker
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Robin MacFadden Parish: Educational 1RQ 3URÀW /HDGHU 0DULQH %LRORJLVW Conservationist, Diving and Ocean Advocate
Maurine Shimlock: Photographer, Journalist, Conservationist, Dive Tour Guide
To see the biographies of these women, as well as, a member roster please visit the website.
WDHOF, was founded in 2000. WDHOF's mission is to recognize the contributions of outstanding women divers and to offer ÀQDQFLDO DQG PHQWRUVKLS DVVLVWDQFH WR women and men interested in pursuing diving careers. As such, WDHOF offers 13 scholarships and training grants a year. For more information to contribute to the WDHOF scholarship program, log on to
For more information, please contact: WDHOF, Inc., Sally Wahrmann, 43 Mackey Ave. Port Washington, NY 11050