Contents of Scuba Sport Magazine - MAR-APR 2012

Scuba Sport Magazine is the only scuba magazine that offers diving news, dive travel, scuba gear, diving destinations and underwater photography that caters to the recreational diver.

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be seen here. French, Molasses, and Elbow are among the most popular reefs for charter operators.
Christ of the Abyss
This site is on practically every diver's bucket list. The 4000 pound bronze depiction of Christ stands in about 25 feet of water. Donated by the Cressi family of Italy, well-known manufacturers of scuba gear, this is one of only three of these statues cast by Italian sculptor Guido Galetti. The site is within Key Largo Dry Rocks and is known to be calmer when conditions elsewhere may not be good. Different types of rays are commonly spotted in the sandy area around the statue. Be sure to take your camera— perfect photo op here.
Minnow Caves
Located in North Dry Rocks, this popular dive site is very shallow with a depth of about 15 feet. Minnow Caves is a great site for the whole family if some want to snorkel while others dive. Its name comes from the glass minnows that populate the area's coral caves during the warmer months. This site is somewhat off the beaten track so it usually has fewer people on it. Divers can see groupers and barracuda here as well as multitudes of spiny lobsters. This spot is
an excellent example of not having to go deep to have a great dive!
Eagle Ray Alley
This site on the north end of Molasses Reef has a lot for divers to see including an eight foot long coral-encrusted steam winch. This is from the Austrian sailing vessel, the Slobodna, which ran aground in 1887. There are also two tall coral heads that look like pillars in front of which is a brass plaque. This marks where the ashes of a life-long Key Largo resident and scuba instructor are interred. Don't forget to locate the swim through called the Hole in the Wall. And the long sand channel the site is named for is where divers see eagle and southern VWLQJ UD\V $WODQWLF VSDGHÀVK WXUWOHV DQG nurse sharks. Pay careful attention to the EULHÀQJ VR \RX ZLOO NQRZ KRZ WR ÀQG DOO WKH interesting features of this site.
Creature Feature
The City of Washington, a steel-hulled steamship that ran aground on the north end of Elbow Reef in 1917, is a piece of nautical history. The City of Washington was moored in Havana harbor in 1898 when the USS Maine exploded. Although it suffered damage in the explosion, the crew rendered aid to the Maine. She continued to be used as a troop transport
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