Contents of Scuba Sport Magazine - MAR-APR 2012

Scuba Sport Magazine is the only scuba magazine that offers diving news, dive travel, scuba gear, diving destinations and underwater photography that caters to the recreational diver.

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FHUWLÀFDWLRQ %XW WKLV XQLTXH encounter should be on every diver's "bucket list". Other dolphin activities include The Dolphin Experience where land lubbers and divers alike meet the dolphins in their own sanctuary, and The Dolphin Swim, where anyone who knows how to swim can join the dolphins for a swim in the open ocean.
The Dolphin Dive started with a short boat ride to
The Dolphin Sanctuary where we met Roscoe, the dolphin trainer, as well as a myriad of exotic macaws and tortoises. Two of the dolphins were released from their pen and rode the wake of Roscoe's scout boat out to sea. On the way to the site, the dolphins built up the anticipation with spectacular jumps and aerial tricks. Less than ten minutes out of the inlet, both boats stopped and were tied off to a permanent mooring line over a sandy
clearing at Picasso's Gallery, a dive site located in about 45 feet of water.
After we descended and settled on the sandy bottom in a loose circle, the dolphins moved in. They ÀUVW LQWURGXFHG WKHPVHOYHV to us by stopping next to us and allowing us to pet them. After a quick trip to the surface for air, they descended and gave each of us a big kiss, right on the lips. Then, each diver, one by one, gradually ascended
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