Contents of Scuba Sport Magazine - MAR-APR 2012

Scuba Sport Magazine is the only scuba magazine that offers diving news, dive travel, scuba gear, diving destinations and underwater photography that caters to the recreational diver.

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walls, an abundance of sea life and unlimited visibility.
This is wall diving country. At some sites, the wall starts as shallow as 40 feet dropping vertically to over 5000 feet. This rare clash of shallow reefs meeting open ocean creates incredible, pristine coral growth. If \RX·YH QHYHU GRQH DQ\ ZDOO GLYLQJ WKH ÀUVW time you swim over the sandy bottom and make your way to the wall itself; the way the ocean abruptly "opens up" into a deep blue is a little intimidating. It is like looking over a cliff, but with no reference points like the bottom, landscape or horizon. Only blue. A feeling of awe, that you are in an environment completely at the mercy of the open ocean, takes over. This is the closest most of us will come to being in outer space.
Our journey started out of Provodenciales. :H KHDGHG ZHVW WR RXU ÀUVW PRRULQJV over Eel Gardens, Black Forest, and The Driveway at Northwest Point. At Eel Gardens, we were greeted by reef sharks as we descended to the sandy bottom just east of the wall. This toothy welcoming FRPPLWWHH ZDV XVHG WR EHLQJ IHG OLRQÀVK so they stuck around for the entire dive. From the boat, the bottom appeared grassy, but as we descended, thousands of garden eels retreated into their holes H[SRVLQJ WKH VDQG\ VHD ÁRRU
Dropping over the wall at Black Forest, it didn't take long to discover how the site got