Contents of Scuba Sport Magazine - MAR-APR 2012

Scuba Sport Magazine is the only scuba magazine that offers diving news, dive travel, scuba gear, diving destinations and underwater photography that caters to the recreational diver.

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But first, it was time to enjoy the second in a series of
awesome sunsets.
its name. Heading north, there was a notch in the wall with a substantial overhang. Under this overhang was the largest "forest" of black coral that I'll probably see in my lifetime. Ascending back over the top of the ZDOO
several in the group found a male with eggs in its mouth, we were distracted by a SHDFRFN ÁRXQGHU WKHQ D KXJH VRXWKHUQ stingray. The sharks from the previous site evidently followed the boat. They slowly cruised through the area over and over in a ÀJXUH HLJKW SDWWHUQ
Before bugging out, the Aggressor made one last stop for a dusk and night dive at The Dome. This was the only man-made structure we dove on the entire week. The Dome is a giant sphere lying in 35 feet of water. It was part of a set for a 90s "survivor- style" French television show. The show was cancelled in 1994 due to high production costs and several contestants suffering air embolisms from inhaling compressed air and holding their breath. The show deserted the structure, which has since collapsed. Their loss was our gain as The 'RPH LV ORDGHG ZLWK DQJHOÀVK JURXSHUV grunts, snappers, jacks and nurse sharks.
More vertical walls awaited exploration in WKH PRUQLQJ %XW ÀUVW
the second in a series of awesome sunsets. Throughout the islands, the combination of sun, shallow waters and dry land created incredible cloud formations and "pop up" rain storms. The clouds seemed to have a life of their own.
We woke up to the sound of the engines ÀULQJ XS WR PDNH WKH YR\DJH WR :HVW Caicos where the wall passes less than 400
14 ScubaSport
yards offshore, but the island is remote and uninhabited. This heightened my sense of adventure as I splashed down onto Rock Garden Interlude WKH ÀUVW GLYH RI WKH GD\
The wall at R.G.I. started as a sandy patch at around 45 feet. There were two breaks in the wall where the sand eased down to 75 feet before going vertical. Most other places, the wall was hard rock and coral, and abruptly went vertical at the 45-55 foot mark. Also, the wall here was a straight line running almost due north to south. On the ÀUVW GLYH WKUHH UHHI VKDUNV ZHUH DOUHDG\ present as I made my descent to the sandy bottom at 45 feet. As we worked ourselves to the wall and turned right, before long a Hawksbill Turtle joined the party. He stayed ZLWK WKH JURXS IRU DW OHDVW ÀYH PLQXWHV allowing several divers to take pictures. I had the pleasure of meeting Bob, the resident Nassau Grouper . The three sharks jumped in with the "wolf pack" of divers, circling around, then weaving their way through the group, then circling back again. There were occasions when you