Contents of Scuba Sport Magazine - MAR-APR 2012

Scuba Sport Magazine is the only scuba magazine that offers diving news, dive travel, scuba gear, diving destinations and underwater photography that caters to the recreational diver.

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some of the most pristine and spectacular walls the Earth has to offer. Who could have asked for more?
About the Turks & Caicos Aggressor
The Turks and Caicos Aggressor is 130 feet long and has a low enough draft to go to all the sites on the itinerary without the need to use the chase boats to get divers into the water. If you've ever had to dive IURP DQ LQÁDWDEOH \RX·OO XQGHUVWDQG KRZ nice it is to be able to use the big dive platform and ladder to get into and out of the water. It comfortably accommodates up to 18 divers with 6 crew members.
The cuisine aboard the Turks & Caicos Aggressor is consistently rated as the best RI WKH HQWLUH ÁHHW &KHI; -RQDWKRQ NHHSV WKH PHQX YDULHG DFFRPPRGDWHV UHTXHVWV DQG KDV D WUXH NQDFN IRU FUHDWLQJ XQLTXH and delicious taste combinations. When ERRNLQJ EH VXUH WR LQIRUP &KHI; -RQDWKHQ LI you have special dietary needs.
One of the nice things about the wall diving ScubaSport 17
here is that the diving is as advanced as you want it to be. Beginners can have a ball and never exceed sixty feet. More advanced divers will enjoy the drama created from a vertical cliff that starts in the 40-60 foot range and drops thousands of feet. You never know what is going to swim by.
7KH QLWUR[ ÀOOV DUH FRQVLVWHQW DW DURXQG to 32.9%. It's a nice feature to be able to offer it straight from the whips, which makes it convenient, and there is only a one-time charge for the entire week. By diving an air computer and using nitrox, there is a built- in added measure of safety, making the diving even more convenient.
You only have to set up your scuba unit once. The boat features a whip system WKDW ÀOOV \RXU WDQNV ZKLOH WKH\ DUH VWLOO LQ WKHLU brackets. All you need to do after a dive LV UHPRYH \RXU ÀUVW VWDJH $IWHU WKH WDQN LV ÀOOHG VLPSO\ UHSODFH \RXU ÀUVW VWDJH EDFN on the tank and you're ready to go.