Contents of Scuba Sport Magazine - MAR-APR 2012

Scuba Sport Magazine is the only scuba magazine that offers diving news, dive travel, scuba gear, diving destinations and underwater photography that caters to the recreational diver.

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WLPH ´/RFDO FRQWURO LV GHÀQLWHO\ SRVVLEOH by organizing divers in key areas. That can really keep the population down at those VSHFLÀF VLWHV µ
7ZR LVVXHV DUH ZRUNLQJ DJDLQVW OLRQÀVK extermination. One, they can live as deep as 600 feet, far beyond any diver's range. And, two, they procreate like sea jack rabbits. A single female can reproduce every four days and spawn more than two- million eggs in a year. Even Mormon's can't populate that fast.
Akins, now REEF's Director of Special Projects, has deep concerns. "People ZRUU\ DERXW FOLPDWH FKDQJH DQG ÀVKLQJ quotas and a lot of different issues but if ZH FDQ·W FRQWURO WKH OLRQÀVK H[SDQVLRQ LW may trump every other ocean issue we're dealing with."
Those are heavy words from a guy who knows his way around the marine HQYLURQPHQW DQG PRUH DERXW OLRQÀVK WKDQ anyone on the planet. He co-authored WKH /LRQÀVK &RRNERRN; KDV EHHQ VWXG\LQJ them full time since 2004 and has collected hundreds of specimens. Of course, spearing DQG HDWLQJ OLRQÀVK PLJKW VRXQG OLNH D SDUW\ but it's not without risk. Their 18 spines are highly toxic and cause severe pain when SRNHG LQWR VRIW KXPDQ ÁHVK 7KH ÀVK DUH not aggressive although they have been known to attack the exposed hands of unsuspecting aquarium owners who are
FOHDQLQJ WKH ÀVK·V JODVV SULVRQ $QG WKH spines are razor sharp, which more and PRUH VSHDUÀVKLQJ SHUVRQV DUH OHDUQLQJ Removing them from a spear tip or just transferring them into a catch bag is an accident in the making.
"Most people who've been collecting OLRQÀVK KDYH EHHQ VWXQJ RQH RU WZR WLPHV µ Akins admitted. "And it's almost always when somebody is not using proper HTXLSPHQW RU QRW SD\LQJ DWWHQWLRQ /LRQÀVK are not aggressive."
The pain can be excruciating but can quickly be diminished by putting your hand (that's where 95% of the injuries occur) into a container of very hot water between 104 and 110 degrees, better known as your neighbor's hot tub. Do not pee on the wound, especially when you're in the hot tub. Urine will not lessen the pain. Nor will vinegar. Hot water is the ticket.
In addition to intense pain, victims experience swelling, redness, nausea, headache and extreme embarrassment from doing something stupid. While symptoms generally only last an hour to a few hours, some have experienced pain and tingling for days or weeks. Death by OLRQÀVK VWLQJ LV QRW LPSRVVLEOH DOWKRXJK there are no records of anyone ever dying from major pokage. In extreme cases, seizures and even paralysis has occurred.
A single female can
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